Know Jesus
The way to become a Christian is to know Jesus. And our goal as Christians should be greater intimacy and identification with Jesus.
When Jesus was born of Mary, God became flesh. His purpose was to die on the cross so that we can be set free from our sin and shame.
When we give ourselves and surrender to Jesus Christ, we are adopted into the family of God. This is done by believing in our heart that Jesus is God, that He died for our sins on the cross, that He was buried and resurrected, ascended into heaven, and now sits at the right hand of the Father in heaven.
We must realize that when He died, we died. Our old self who had controlled our destiny, is now dead and crucified on the cross with Jesus. And we invited Jesus to come into our lives and take over, living His life through us. This exchange takes place the instant you pray for Jesus to come into your life. He comes into your life, and you are in Him. He has taken away your sins and has given you eternal life, the life that Jesus has which is eternal and forever.
When we can come to the point of accepting the truth of our new nature as spiritual beings, we will come closer to understanding who we are as children of God, coheirs with Christ and brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. This frees us from the bondage of self and liberates us for abundant living in Christ.